The Air
conditioning circuits are filled with either R12 (1989 - 1992)
or R134a (1993 - on).
See A/C
upgrade for more information about switching from R12
to R134a.
I do not have any information in this repair yet.
Procedure from Johan Huis
1. Remove the air box.
2. Lossen the coolant lines to the compressor.
3. Jack up the car and place jackstands.
4. Remove the plastic protection cover from under the car.
5. Undo the v-belt adjustment bolt locking nut.
6. Slacken and remove the v-belt.
7. Undo the electrical connector to the compressor.
7. Undo the bolt that holds the v-belt adjustment bracket
to the engine block.
8. Undo the upper mounting bolt.
9. Take out the compressor.
Replacement is reversal as removal. Be sure to use new O-rings
when installing the new compressor.
My car is an 1987 E32 and the original compressor had a 1
pin plug while the new compressor had a 3 pins plug. BMW sells
an adaptor cable with part number 64 52 1 384 964. I don't
know if this also applies to the E34.